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Thanks so much for visiting our site. We’re totally thrilled to be associated with Csira Properties and are so excited about the future.

I thought I would answer a question some of you may be thinking, but are too polite to ask: “Dave, why would you start Csira Properties when there are so many established brokerages already?”

Well, imaginary person, that’s a fair question. It’s a subject to which I’ve given a lot of thought. At the base level, it provides me the flexibility to cater to each client’s needs in a manner that is not constricted by company policy. As every transaction is unique, so should be the approach we take to fulfill the ultimate objective of each client. One size never really does fit all. Instead of spouting some mumbo-jumbo like: “It’s all about you!” to our clients, we prefer to think “It has to be about us.” As in, let’s talk about what you want to get done, the steps necessary to get there, and the investment in time and treasure that each party commits to make it happen.

I also get great joy from identifying, training, coaching and working with smart people who want to learn a trade. The most fun I ever had in business was recruiting and training a highly productive sales force in the technology industry. Every brokerage I know of puts all their energy into recruiting the “heavy hitters.” I want to create my own team of capable, hard-working, honest people who will learn the skills to provide a valuable service to our clients.

Finally, I’ve just observed a lot of practices in the real estate business that I think have room for improvement. I absolutely believe we have the skills, experience and motivation to do certain things just a little better and with more heart.

Please, let us know what you think we can do better. We always strive to improve.

Dave Csira

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